Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bookplates! The easiest way to get your book autographed.

Hello again! This post is all about how to go about requesting a bookplate from an author. However, let me first briefly explain what a book plate is in case anyone does not know.

Bookplates are tiny stickers that you can get signed by your favorite author to put inside your book. This is a really cool way for people like myself, who are unable to go to conventions and do not live in large cities, to customize their book copy with their favorite authors signature.

Ok, so now that we're all on the same page of what a book plate is...  How do I get them?!

Step #1

Locate the authors blog or website and see if they've already listed a way to attain autographs or bookplates. If they do offer them, great! Follow their directions and the author will mail one to you!! However, if they do not offer them, never fear. Locate a contact email address and write a polite and brief letter explaining how you enjoyed their work and would like to customize your book by getting a signed book plate. This next part is key! Don't expect the author to do all of the work.

Step #2

Create a awesome bookplate to send to the author for signing! All you'll need is sticker paper to load into your printer and a little creativity!

Often times, I will draw designs for bookplates, upload the image and add a clean line to sign on then print! Simple, and a nice way to make your book unique. However, if you lack the skill to draw your own design, checkout other people's work on DeviantArt and Google Images. Find something you like and want to use? Contact the creator of the image and explain what you'd like to do. Most of the time people are pretty cool about letting you use their art and are even flattered you chose their piece. Please do not use others art without permission!

Step #3

Now your bookplate is all ready and just missing that shiny signature! You will need two envelopes, because your bookplates are hobbits and must travel "There and back again." The outside envelope should be addressed to the authors fan mail address and the inner envelope should have your address for the authors convenience. Be sure to have postage on both of your envelopes because the inner envelope will be used by the author to send the signed bookplates back to you (failing to include proper postage may result in you never getting your prize). I also find it never hurts to include a small letter explaining how you made the bookplate and thanking them for taking the time to sign for you.

Step #4

Be patient! Authors are busy people and, believe it or not,  they often have lives beyond just writing!!! I've been met with nothing but pleasant experiences when contacting authors with bookplate requests.

Below are some bookplates that I've received recently.

David Anthony Durham

Drew Karpyshyen

(The ones above are made by me, and the ones below are the authors plates)

Peter V. Brett

 Mark Lawrence

Lian Hearn
Pretty cool, right?! Hopefully this post has equipped you with the necessary know-how to get your favorite books autographed for the price of a few stamps! Please feel free to let me know what bookplates you've gotten in the comments and share if you get or make any really cool ones! 

Roger Bellini 

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