Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Green Zone - Movie Review

"Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller is done following orders," and Matt Damon isn't ready to let "Jason Bourne" die. In the film Roy plays a man who genuinely believes in his job as he searches various sites in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction. However, after failed attempt after failed attempt, he realizes something isn't right-uncovering a conspiracy, he takes it upon himself to figure out just what is true and who is calling the shots.

The Movie makes use of the shakey cam at times and switches camera angles so much that you will have seen so many different views that you actually miss the majority of the action taking place. Matt Damon's character seems almost identical to Jason Bourne-minus likable parts about background and character development.

Final Verdict: The movie wasn't terrible, it just wasn't amazing. To me it seemed to lag on at times, but there are good parts as well; the interpreters character for instance shows depth and supplies a bit of a unintentional comedic touch at times. I'd say wait to rent this one unless you're a big "spy-thriller" fan.

(Final Rating: 5 1/2 out of 10)

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