Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brooklyn's Finest - Review

Brooklyn's Finest was a decent paced cop-drama. The movie focused on three cops, Ethan Hawke as Sal, Don Cheadle as Tango and Richard Gere as Eddie. The three characters show distinct differences both in the job and in their home lives.

Ethan Hawke brings "Sal" to life beautifully as the dark cop struggling to keep his life together emotionally and financially. Despite his proneness to angry outbursts, his character is surprisingly like-able. He makes all the wrong choices for all the right reasons.

Eddie, played by Richard Gere, plays a cop on his way out. He shows little personality and is by far the least interesting of the three main characters. Only towards the end did they even bother developing his character at all. All though this character did not live up to my expectations, I don't blame Gere at all for this: The character seems written to be dry.

Don Cheadle as Tango carried the movie. His scenes as an undercover cop were beautifully done and as audience, you sympathize with him more than any other of the three main actors.

Final Verdict: Above Average, but leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. The movie as a whole was good, but the ending leaves you walking out of the theater wondering what the point was. All in all, the movie is worth your time but not your money! (Unless it's Matinee)

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